Useful Secret Tips for Pokemon Go Fanatics

Pokemon Go is not just about exploring the land and becoming a master -- it's about knowing the game inside and out. It its current form, Pokemon Go doesn't provide much when it comes to in-game tutorial to show you how it's really played, but there are some tips, tricks, and even secrets to reveal outside of the game's core mechanics.
If you're looking for ways to get an edge on other players, here are some tips and tricks that you might find useful.

1. Get Pikachu as your starter character

When you start the game, the Professor will ask you to catch your first Pokemon -- traditionally Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur.

But instead of catching one of them, you can walk away -- in real life -- until your smartphone vibrates. You'll be prompted again to catch one of them. Walk away again until you get the next prompt and repeat this process five times. Then Pikachu will appear and you'll be able to capture it as your starter.

2. How to easily catch a wild Pokemon

Rustling leaves are used to show where wild Pokemon could be lurking. Once you're trying to capture one though, the game will shift and use your smartphone camera to show the creature in augmented reality.

The white ring surrounding the beastie will change depending on how likely you are to capture it -- smaller is better. When it turns to green, then it's time to throw your ball.

3. Spending Pokecoins

Although Pokemon Go is free to play, there are plenty of in-app transactions that can be made if you want to spend money.

This basically earns you Pokecoins that can be spent on in-game items. Another way to earn these is by winning battles at gyms. However, avoid using your coins to buy more Pokeballs though as these are often provided for free by visiting Pokestops. Go for lures instead and bring the critters to you.

4. Watch out for your battery

Pokemon Go uses a lot of your phone's features to work properly. It's pulling in GPS data and using the camera as well as your cellular connection. Therefore, as expected, it's going to heavily drain the battery on your smartphone. Both iPhones and Android phones have optional battery-saver modes that will help prolong battery life. We'd recommend activating this before stepping outside to play the game.

Also, it's worth picking up a power pack to help sustain your phone if you're planning to play the game for a while.

5. HTML Code Works for Pokemon Names

If you want to add a little flair to your Pokemon's name, you can use HTML markup to change the style of the text. Wrap the Pokemon's name in tags and watch the italicizing again.

6. Easy XP Trick

You might be tired of seeing Pidgeys by now, but you should be catching every single one you come across for some easy XP. Evolving a Pokemon grants 500 XP, but you can double that to 1000 XP with a lucky egg. With an abundance of Pidgeys, Caterpies, or Weedles, you can go on an evolution spree and power yourself to absurd levels.

7. Paw Prints are Used for Tracking

After you've caught your starter, you can click the window in the lower right hand corner to see nearby Pokemon. What the game doesn't tell you is that the paw prints under each creature is actually their distance from you. One print means they're pretty close, whereas three prints means you're up for an adventure.

8. The Box Directs You

If you open the bottom-right window, you can focus on tracking a specific Pokemon by clicking it from the menu. The box will then pulsate green if you're moving the right direction.


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