Hide Private Calls and Texts from Nosy People on Your Android Phone

It's hard to keep things private these days, especially on our smartphones. Even children as young as two know how to navigate through a smartphone. Privacy has become a privilege you need to hang on to as much as you can. So to avoid others from snooping into your recent contacts and messages, check out Shady Contacts.

Shady Contact is a free Android app that aims to keep sensitive call logs and text messages concealed from prying eyes. It helps you to keep specific contacts off of your phone’s call logs and messages by putting their calls and texts in a separate area.

Shady Contact has a PIN or pattern unlock feature and can be configured to self destruct, taking all data with it if the wrong code is entered a set number of times.

To learn more about how to hide private calls and text messages from nosy people using Shady Contact, check out the steps below:

Hide Private Calls and Texts from Nosy People Using Shady Contact on Your Android Phone

First, download and install Shady Contact from the Google Play Store free of charge.

Once you have installed Shady Contact, set up a custom pattern or PIN code lock to protect the contents of the app.

You will then be taken to the Calls section where you can start adding the contacts you want to hide. You can also hide any phone number on the list. Once a number or contact is included, all information sent or received from said number or contact will be stored inside the app and not in Android's stocks app. To do that, swipe twice to the right to bring up Contacts, then tap Add Contact to begin selecting the contacts whose calls and messages you would like to hide from prying eyes.

You can also hide the Shady Contact's app icon from your phone, so others will not know that you have it installed.

You can access the app by dialing ***123456###.


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